The term of validity of identification papers or residence certificates shall be determined according to the purposes of entry. 身份证件或者居留证件的有效期限,根据入境的事由确定。
In case where the term of residence approved for a resident office expires, the document of approval for renewal issued by the same authorities must also be submitted at the time of renewing the registration and a form for renewal shall be filled out. 如果批准机关批准的驻在期限届满,还须提交原批准机关的延期批准证件,填写延期登记表。
But in the Chinese academia, still basically will community a term defined as a because of residence based and established a close link within the region community. 但是在中国的学界,还是基本上都将社区一词定义为一种因为居住地为基础而建立起来的有着内部较为紧密联系纽带的地域共同体。